Then and Now: Episode 27 Big Big Love
I've been keeping this song in the back of my mind, for a while, as a possible T&N. Pretty much everyone I know, in my peer group, loves the Pixies. LOOOOVES the Pixies. I wanted to use this song, in particular, because it's the song a 15 year old Louise heard in some Scottish dance club that made her an instant Pixies fan.
Sunday, Louise, Tessa, KK and I went to see LoudQuietLoud at the SIFF. So it seemed like a good time to do a Pixies Then and Now. By the way, if you love the Pixies, Frank Black, or even music in general, it's a very good film. Playing at a film festival near you!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Just so you know, my little boys favorites posts are the "Then and Now" ones... for 18 months (almost) the kid likes good music! I can't take the headphones away from him... and when he sees your banner... he grabs for them...
Oh, and (pinching him) he also wants to get an ant update.
Posted by: mdstblz
14 juin 2006 17h22
THAT? is the cutest thing i've ever heard!! i've posted a little movie [silent] just for the ant fans.
Posted by: Jodi
14 juin 2006 22h46