Then and Now: Episode 28 You'll be warm in my coat
I think this is a catchy tune. I have very vague memories of my older brother trying to use my singing this song against me, by telling my father and stepmother. A kind of "Oh yeah? Well, do you know what kind of music your DAUGHTER is listening to?" type of distraction technique, including the lyrics to this song and also John Cougar's Hurt So Good. I don't remember it working real well for him.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Fabulous! I did not realize how much I missed that song!
I don't have many cover albums (per se), though if you ever want to hear spanish covers of Police songs let me, some are pretty good.
Posted by: blair | 18 juin 2006 14h23
OH geez... I saw
and thought you might like knowing about it.
Posted by: mdstblz
18 juin 2006 17h07
For the life of me, I never knew who did that great song. Can you, um, email them ;)
Maybe you will know this one. There was a song, I was thinking by Rollins, that dealt with youth suicide....never remembered that one either. Has the same kick ass sound.
Posted by: DrinkJack
18 juin 2006 17h16
speaking of covers...any new ones for you on that cd that you liked?
and...oh...i can't wait!!
Posted by: river selkie | 18 juin 2006 17h20
Victor used to work with a lady whose brother was in Romeo Void.
Oh, and thanks for that awesome link, Blitz!
Posted by: Marie
18 juin 2006 19h28
i love the cd! and the one that leaps to mind is the cyndi lauper cover. i had no idea she did a cd of standards.. i love it. i bought it.
blair, i love pandora! i use it all the time at work. i took a lot of mp3's off my computer because i was running out of space. [i have A LOT of aps from my POE installed] and i love listening to EELS radio. :)
Posted by: Jodi
19 juin 2006 13h52