Let's go fill your tummy up with sugary niblets, okay?
Yesterday, we had a Company Meeting. It was two hours, but I made it about 47 minutes. And then I died. I don't know what they expected to happen when they talked about financial for over 10 minutes.
After the C.M., we had a BBQ outside in the courtyard. Of course. Don't you do that at your P.O.E.? I had chicken, it was all very nice, and a good time was had by all. Afterwards, however, my stomach felt very rumbly. And not in a good way. You have to understand, I can eat just about anything. That doesn't mean I will, but I really don't have digestive issues. Not even with Taco Bell. Considering I had my gall bladder out about 12 years ago, that's pretty cool. A lot of people have issues with certain foods after. Especially cheese and other high fat foods. Not me. I love the high fats!
Jodi: soemthing is making my tummy rumbly. not like ... in a good way.
Evildeb: interesting
Jodi: i can feel my guts.
Jodi: it's weird.
Jodi: it's like... my guts are ALIVE!!!
Evildeb: maybe your guts are trying to tell you something
Jodi: well, it's not "feed me" wouldn't it be cool if i had PSYCHIC GUTS?
Evildeb: I'm not sure
Evildeb wasn't feeling too hot after the BBQ either, and we briefly entertained a fantasy that everyone would get food poisoning and have to go home early. But the truth is, we didn't eat the same things. So it was probably just our poor attitudes making us queasy. I asked KK and she felt fine. So I explained to her about the possibility of my guts being psychic
KK: psychic guts?
Jodi: yes, and even now they are trying to tell me something.
KK: and they see the future?
Jodi: Well, no. I mean, they don't have eyes, KK. They are guts. Sheesh. It's more like they intuit things.
KK: don't they use chicken guts to tell the future in voo-doo?
Jodi: Why, I believe they do! And I had chicken at lunch! I have PSYCHIC VOODOO CHICKEN GUTS IN ME!
KK: that's it... you've come down with PSYCHIC VOODOO CHICKEN GUTS!
If only I could figure out what my Psychic Voodoo Chicken Guts were trying to tell me.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.if i am correct, guts must be ripped out of said stomach in order for any divination purposes.
don't do it.
Posted by: river selkie | 23 juin 2006 0h24
We had CM yesterday (22). We had a BBQ of sorts, whereby the Board grilled me for three hours...then they ate.
I suspect they will all be suffering today from psycho weirdo perry guts. They shoulda had the chicken.
Posted by: perry | 23 juin 2006 1h43
well, if i have to rip my guts out for divination purposes, i'm not interested! gross!
perry, at least you gave them psycho weirdo perry guts. you can feel good about that.
Posted by: Jodi
23 juin 2006 10h05
I think your psychic voodoo chicken guts were telling you, "Jodi... You're about to make stinky... Go home because it's creepy to make stinky at work..."
Posted by: Thomas | 23 juin 2006 10h58
I am thinking that Psychic Voodoo Chicken Guts would be a cool hot sauce name.
Posted by: DrinkJack
23 juin 2006 16h48