No ants in our pants no more
The sad truth about ants, kids... they only live a couple of weeks. Maybe a few weeks, if you are lucky.
R.I.P little fellas!
Dr. Stevil says he's gonna get some more ants, tho.
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The sad truth about ants, kids... they only live a couple of weeks. Maybe a few weeks, if you are lucky.
R.I.P little fellas!
Dr. Stevil says he's gonna get some more ants, tho.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.If we would have known that, then we could have had an office pool on who would be the last "survivor".
Posted by: DrinkJack
29 juin 2006 16h14
Oh goodness, they starved huh? not enough food for all of them... that Champ must have been a hog! or was it Chloe?
Was it Tyree in the test tube lounge with a poisoned gel bit?
Posted by: mdstblz
29 juin 2006 20h30
seriously? they didn't spawn any babies?
Posted by: river selkie | 29 juin 2006 20h53
Maybe it was the tube - make sure you don't leave it in the habitat next time!
What if another one arrives DOA? Will he be The One Who Arrived Dead 2?
Posted by: Marie
29 juin 2006 21h36
I found a site that says worker ants live for a year. I think you guys are just bad ant parents. How many times did you all sit down for dinner together, huh?
Posted by: arifa
29 juin 2006 22h36
Are you sure they're really dead, maybe they are just playing possum hoping for a chance to make a break for it when you open the lid. I'd exercise extreme caution.
Posted by: Perry | 30 juin 2006 3h09
what are you saying ARIFA? what are you accusing us of? are you implying that we killed the ants?
how DARE YOU. the ant instructions said the ants would only live a few weeks. i imagine it has something to do with being stuffed in a plastic tube and mailed to someone with out food and/or water. Or ... whatever ants drink.
there is plenty of food in there. all that gel is food. that's what they eat. i guess. look... they aren't MY ants. blame steve, he's the daddy.
Posted by: Jodi
30 juin 2006 16h02