11 Steps more than necessary
"Hi, my name is Jodi and I am a spa-aholic. A spa addict... spa junkie... whatever."
"Hi Jodi!"
"Ok, first, I'd just like to say that I hate support groups"
"We're not here to judge you, Jodi"
"Look... don't even THINK about hugging me. Second, while I am willing to take the first step and admit that I am powerless against the goodness that is The Spa, that's the only step I'm going to take. Even though I just spent a considerable amount of my so-called disposable income on lovely spa treatments, I don't want to beat my addiction."
"We think we can help you, Jodi. Every journey starts with the first step."
"Yeah... well, I'm going to journey on out of here, I've got to rest up for my second day of lovely spa treatments. Including the chocolate body treatment! Mmmmm."
"We look forward to seeing you again, Jodi!"
"Bite me."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.OK, so now there are millions of viewers? uhmmm readers tuned in, wanting to know about chocolat a la jodi. Was it milk or dark? Did it have chilli in it? Was it in a vat? Did Johnny Depp show up?
Posted by: perry | 10 juillet 2006 0h44
Maybe she was carried away by a bunch of oompa loompas, never to be seen again!
Posted by: Marie
10 juillet 2006 9h00
Recognition is the first step. The second is the ability to save money for said item from Step #1.
Posted by: DrinkJack
11 juillet 2006 8h07