Missing: One Day
Missing: One Day
D.O.B. July 15, 2006
Name: Saturday
Length: 24 hours
Last seen yesterday at 9:20 am.
If you have seen Saturday, please return it to Jodi, as she is quite unnerved by the mysterious loss of half her weekend.
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Missing: One Day
D.O.B. July 15, 2006
Name: Saturday
Length: 24 hours
Last seen yesterday at 9:20 am.
If you have seen Saturday, please return it to Jodi, as she is quite unnerved by the mysterious loss of half her weekend.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.You know, I assume, that this is the kind of thing people are likely to keep for themselves if they find it, rather than returning it. Is there a reward?
Posted by: the fool | 16 juillet 2006 10h47
I think your missing day ran away with my missing day and are currently frolicking on the beaches of Kiribati... damn them!
Posted by: mdstblz
16 juillet 2006 19h29
Do you have a photograph we can borrow?
Has Saturday done this before?
Did you and Saturday have a fight?
That's fine for now, but please don't go out of town for the next few days, we may have more questions.
Posted by: perry | 17 juillet 2006 0h50
I saw it in a black Trans-Am heading East bound and down....something about a truck load of hooch.
Posted by: DrinkJack
17 juillet 2006 17h35