Baton down your hatches and hide your redheads...
Heads up, America, Louise now has her green card.
I think we should go out to celebrate. Everyone wears green and we have something traditional like Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolets. Except, get rid of the baseball, it's boring, have steak instead of hot dogs, keep the apple pie [I mean... duh] and I drive a Nissan.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.So it arrived intact? Without an error?
I am so freaking jealous!
OK, off to enjoy a steak, some apple pie as I drive in my Isuzu!
Posted by: Blair | 20 juillet 2006 12h43
Hi --
Short-time reader, first-time writer.
I have no comments about Louise, although I'm sure she's lovely.
However, I am very amused that it took me almost three minutes to unravel the mystery of "juillet" -- and this is after 12 years of french classes.
Posted by: Peter | 20 juillet 2006 13h48
Peter, I like the worldy, cosmopolitan way the french dates make my blog look. oui? perhaps non. Louise IS lovely, and she would be the first to tell you that. She is also delightful.
Blair, you have the green card issues? What's [not] so funny is, another woman here, who came over from the European office the same time as Louise and applied for her green card FIVE YEARS AGO has not received it. Louise put it off until she was damn near kicked out of the country, and applied last Nov.
Posted by: Jodi
20 juillet 2006 13h52
A few people at Victor's POE are in the same boat. One of them has been waiting 5 years, for his Green Card, as well.
Hooray for Louise! Steak and Apple Pie all around! Oh, and I drive a Ford. =)
Posted by: Marie
20 juillet 2006 14h59
Yay for Louise!!! I am toasting American bourbon just for her tonight.
Posted by: DrinkJack
20 juillet 2006 16h48
Louise IS lovely, and she would be the first to tell you that.
Ha! You have to respect that.
I would have given her a green card too.
Posted by: Peter | 20 juillet 2006 18h05
Oh and I vote oui!
Posted by: Peter | 20 juillet 2006 18h06
Go to a mega-mall, then a big-box store, then a chain restaurant. Witness the plagues that America has unleashed on the world. (Try to do it in a Hummer or SUV.) so near the Midwestern border has me itchy lately...
Posted by: madrigalia | 20 juillet 2006 21h14
everyone wear green?? when did march 17th get here? wait, wear green for the GREEN card? not red white and blue?
Posted by: river selkie | 20 juillet 2006 22h22
Wow, Louise that is a big step. I am right that you have to give up your UK/EC passport to do that?
I asked around the office for views on this...
English all said, "Why would anyone want a greencard?"
Scottish all want to know if you will 'sponsor' them.
The two American guys came up with the following tidbits of wisdom:
"That is good, if she has a boy he can be President one day."
"If it ain't a Chevy, it ain't a car."
"Wear green? The bloody Scots and St Patrick's Day"
Posted by: perry | 21 juillet 2006 1h04
it's a green card party, that's why we'd wear green. she's not a citizen of the United States, she's just a Permenant Resident. she's an alien. it means if she loses her job here, she won't get kicked out of the country. but she has not given up any UK citizenship. i don't think she can vote in an american election... but i'm not sure on that one.
perry, what cracks me up the most about your comment is Louise HATES st. patrick's day because of all the americans that mistkae her for irish and ask her why she isn't wearing green.
Posted by: Jodi
21 juillet 2006 9h26
Yes it struck me as funny as well, but I decided not to get into Irish vs Scottish with the American lads, they are visitors and are a force unto themselves, but very well liked!
Posted by: perry | 21 juillet 2006 12h20
perry, can you send some of the scottish guys here. i'll sponsor them. :)
i might even let one of them marry me for a green card.
Posted by: river selkie | 21 juillet 2006 20h20