Another Saturday ... Lost
It's too hot. Too hot to do anything. Too hot to write anything. Too hot to get anything done. Too hot to be creative. Too hot to think. I'm numb with hottness.
That didn't come out right.
The point is, my super powers are at less than half power on a day like today. I am worse than sloth. Sloth sped right by me today. I hid in the darkest, coolest room in the house all day, my bedroom, drank orange juice out of frozen mugs and read. And I literally lost the day to a book. It was 10 when I started to read and then, all of the sudden, it was 4 pm. Like.... THAT!
But I just ate a popsicle, and it revived me momentarily. I think I know what I will use for a Then and Now tomorrow.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Somebody buy Jodi an air conditioner quick! :-)
Posted by: Dave2 | 23 juillet 2006 0h06
What book?
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 23 juillet 2006 7h10
What popsicle?
Posted by: DrinkJack
23 juillet 2006 7h48
i just finished the latest harry dresden. love it. thanks again for recommending them to me. also, i actually saw the briefest of commercials for it on the scifi channel. i am so excited!
Posted by: river selkie | 23 juillet 2006 7h52
p.s. i told you, you were popsicle-icious!
Posted by: river selkie | 23 juillet 2006 7h53
dave - yes! please! someone buy me an air conditioner. it would be my DREAM COME TRUE. i love air conditioning.
cam - no smart thinky books, the heat calls for preternatural mystery fun. and smut, occasionally. i finished a book called "fist full of charms" broke down and read the latest laurel k. hamilton book "danse macabre" even tho i think she's lost her touch and writes nothing but smut now. which gets boring. this one was not as bad as the last. and i re-read "proven guilty" the latest harry dresden book because i read it too fast the first time. now i am going to read a forensic mystery book "break no bones"
jack - it was a 100% fruit juice bar, no sugar added. strawberry-kiwi. very nummy.
river - i just re-read it because i read too fast the first time, a few months ago. i LOVE LOVE LOVE harry dresden, and am looking forward to the sci-fi series. they are such fun books. and you were so right about being popsicle-icious.
Posted by: Jodi
23 juillet 2006 11h48
Sloth is a superpower. Ask any sloth.
Posted by: Thomas | 24 juillet 2006 8h11