summer + jodi = no good
You know, it's really hard to have good blog stories if all you do all weekend is try to remain as still as possible, in front of a fan. repeating "why isn't it autumn, when is it going to be autumn?" over and over. Occasionally getting up to drink orange juice straight from the carton, or nab a popsicle.
Good news is, it's supposed to cool down this week. Only 88 today, and 76-80 throughout the week. In fact, this weekend, it's supposed to be 69-70! This is the most exciting thing in my life right now. Which should just show you how dull my life is, currently.
Pru likes it when I hold still, tho. Means she can snuggle next to me, try to sleep on top of my book. The rest of the time she spent sleeping in the bathtub.
But here is a question that is slightly more fun. My mom and I are going to NYC this October. On my birthday. We are going to see The Color Purple. Right now, that's the only firm plan we have. Although, I'd like to go to MoMA. Any of you travelers, or New Yorkers, out there have suggestions for where to stay?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I LOVE the heat!!! I mean, it's awesome to be sitting in your recliner and sweating profusely because you have to do something as strenuous as blink your damn eyes!!!
I read two books this weekend just trying to stay cool.
(had any scrumptious cupcakes lately???)
Posted by: zanie | 24 juillet 2006 14h47
New York - good. Too many suggestions. To start, see if there are any deals at the Hudson or the Royalton - Royalton is v. nice, but can be expensive... If you get the Hudson, you want to upgrade one room size, assuming you'd like to be able to open the door.
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 24 juillet 2006 18h16
i don'tk now of any places to stay, but will you be seeing the daily show while you're there?
Posted by: arifa
24 juillet 2006 18h33
if i had the moula, i'd prolly stay at the library (i think).
when i was planning an actual trip there a couple of years ago, i was gonna stay at the chelsea star cause they were cheap and had themed rooms. looks like they did a major renovation that changed some of their rooms though.
but i've never been to nyc so have no idea what is good or not.
Posted by: river selkie | 24 juillet 2006 19h59
Yeah, yeah, what Adi said, try to get tickets to a taping of the daily show!
Posted by: Marie
25 juillet 2006 9h49