Then and Now: Episode 32 This is just one of those games that we play
Yesterday was the most beautiful day. It was a Jodi kinda day. Mid 60's and raining. Pru and I sat and listened to it rain, listened to the laundry cycle it's way through wash and dry, and watched a marathon of What Not to Wear. We like to scare ourselves that way. I do believe Stacy could kick all of our asses at once. In 4" stilettos. She rules.
Anyhoo, on to this week's song.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I adore that song. It makes me strangely happy.
Posted by: marie b. | 31 juillet 2006 14h06
^^Another Marie - whoo hoo! And one with good taste in music, too!
This is a very pretty cover, but I still think I prefer the original - good 80's memories!
Posted by: Marie
31 juillet 2006 18h49
I love the original. And most 80s music...
My ex-gf went to some kind of workshop with Stacy in NYC. Stacy was going into more depth than she does on the show.
Not sure if it helped my ex, but she did get even less pleased with my wardrobe afterwards.
Posted by: Peter | 1 août 2006 8h01
now see, a workshop with stacy i could handle. as long as i got to keep my clothes.
two maries! i'm the luckiest.
Posted by: Jodi
1 août 2006 16h50
Mid-60s! So envious!
A workshop would be ok. But yeah...replacing my wardrobe would involve scouring too many Value Villages. I like my eclectic closet.
Posted by: madrigalia | 1 août 2006 22h18
Stacy is awesome. As were the Thompson Twins.
Posted by: Chris | 2 août 2006 17h18