I'm going sit back and wait for the money to come rolling in.
The internet is a magical place, kids. In the previous Then and Now, I mentioned that I could not find any information about the Now's artist's solo work. And the next day I received an email from Stephanie Casey, along with a nice clean version of the song. As opposed to a version clipped from a podcast. Magic!!
So, now I would like to mention that I am having a hard time finding any information about the million dollars that belongs to me. I know it's out there, but I just can't locate it.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.And because of your last post, I was able to "meet" a cool person, with an awesome name, who I appear to have quite a bit in common with.
Posted by: Marie
2 août 2006 9h35
I will keep my eye out for the money, but I haven't seen any around here in years.
Posted by: DrinkJack
2 août 2006 17h05
Your money's in Swiss bank accounts and anti-terrorism funds....shhh...
Posted by: madrigalia | 4 août 2006 8h26