I got my priorities straight, bub.
Despite heightened security today, I managed to get back into the country. I was not able to take the ferry from BC to Anacorties, however. I had to go over from Victoria to Vancouver and drive over.
More stories later. I am going back to work tomorrow. But right now, Pru needs attention. I need to make sure she didn't go feral while I was gone.
I'll be honest, looking back, the whole thing could have been handled more efficiently. But it could not have been handled more pleasantly. And, really, would you expect any less from me?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.welcome back!
Posted by: mdstblz
10 août 2006 21h30
whew. that was close! you almost had to live in a airport like tom hanks.
Posted by: river selkie | 10 août 2006 22h16
oooh, living in an airport like Tom Hanks would suck. Especially if the only thing you had to talk to was a stupid volleyball. Wait...I think I'm mixing movies.
Posted by: Chris | 11 août 2006 4h54
I definitely think you have it right, pleasantly is always the way to go!
Posted by: ro | 11 août 2006 10h30
oh my gosh, they let you back in? what on earth do we have border patrol for? this is where my taxes go?
Posted by: arifa
11 août 2006 12h12
i'm with adi - what were they thinking???
Posted by: Judy
11 août 2006 12h16
Canada got tired of ya? Their loss! Welcome back "home".
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 août 2006 12h47
you know, it's not so much about canada kicking me out as it was about the US letting me in.
Posted by: Jodi
14 août 2006 13h14