Why does it have to be spiders?
I have a question. What's with all the spiders in my bathtub. How do they get there? Do they come out of the spout? They must, because I really cannot picture them coming in the front door, scuttling their way to my bathroom, looking at the tub and thinking "This is IT! This is the perfect place for my spider home!"
But, if that is the case, how come I don't have spiders coming out of the spout when I turn the water on? Never. Not even one.
I don't know... I just wonder about stuff like this.
In other news, for those of you who are Frank Black fans, or Pixie fans, all the fans over at frankblack.net have contributed stories to an ebook, End of Miles. Wil's got a story in it. He's a big Frank Black fan. Actually, he's a FAN. In all caps, bolded and colored red.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.They are probably just walking around and then whooopsy, this shit is slick....
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 août 2006 14h44
What kind of spiders?
Daddy long legs?
Because they are the cools ones. My grandma used to make toilet paper bridges for them so they could get out of the bathtub... but they are good spiders because they get rid of bad bugs!
Posted by: Blair | 14 août 2006 14h48
but i recently had a few spiders in my sink and i wondered the same thing!
Posted by: river selkie | 14 août 2006 18h24
When we lived in the country it wasn't uncommon for me to find a Wolf spider in the tub in the spare bathroom.
It seemed there was always one in there. I finally figured out, as DrinkJack suggests, that after the spider would walk (or slip) into the tub he couldn't get out.
I'd typically encourage them down the drain using the shower.
Posted by: delmer | 14 août 2006 18h55
they are not daddy long legs. they are big fat spiders with very large fangs. fangs that are dripping with venom. and they have large thigh muscles on all 8 legs, good for jumping up and biting your throat.
Posted by: Jodi
15 août 2006 8h54
Oh thooooose spiders...those are the daddy long legs on crack.
Posted by: DrinkJack
15 août 2006 16h35
Spiders in the Tub -- I see a screenplay here!
Posted by: Neil | 29 août 2006 11h11