Oh, me, please. I shall consume them with gravy and the butter of peanuts.
Technology is a wonderful thing, kids. Less than a week after my return from Canada, I've already replaced my birth certificate [over the internet, rush order] and driver's license. I'm headed back up to Victoria this weekend. KK and Evildeb have made me promise to keep my id on my person at all times.
I was talking to Evildeb about coming up to Victoria with me, sometime, meeting Wil.
Me: you love to go places, it would be fun.
Evildeb: yeah, but I hate meeting people so there's a slight hitch in your plan
Me: i know you do. but, i'll take you to big bad johns and you'll have cocktails. and eat peanuts and throw the shells on the floor. and lloyd, wil and i will handle being social, until you are drunk.
Evildeb: peanuts!! how long does it take to get there? can we go now?!
Me: uhh... depends on which route you take. it's the peanuts that swayed you? you were like "oh no... not new people" until i mentioned peanuts. it's not even the booze... it's peanuts.
Evildeb: it gives you something to do with your hands
Me: The peanuts make you happy because you'll have something to do with your hands? Deb, sometimes I love you. I don't mean that in a lesbian way.
Evildeb: I disagree
So, if ya'll ever want to meet Evildeb, and you know you do, bring something she can play with. She's very shy and demure. And also the apparent lesbian love of my life.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I so want to meet EvilDeb. I think between the drinking and peanut loving, we could be friends :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
17 août 2006 16h39
shy? perhaps. DEMURE?!?!?!?
Posted by: arifa
18 août 2006 11h03
Ha! Hahahahahahaha.....umm....well, you, and EvilDeb did go to a gay bar together! Oh, ok, I'll admit that I was there, too. I was just a witness, really! Oh yeah, and Jodi and I were high on Oxygen! =)
Posted by: Marie
21 août 2006 18h36