Then and Now: Episode 33 The Happy Birthday, Blog Episode
Happy Birthday, Blog! Now you are 4 years old. In a year, you'll start school, but for now, enjoy your preschool years. While you can. I've saved up a bunch of Sesame Street on the tivo for you, and afterwards we can have cake!
So, for my blog's birthday, I've decided to do a Then and Now that features one of my favorites, The Eels. In a slightly different format this time, as I don't have much to say about the original, except that I've always thought it was a very sweet song. And I chose it simply because the Eels covered it. Sometimes, it works like that.
Thanks everyone for reading my little blog. I can't help falling in love with all of you. Honest. Yes... even you!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.YAY!!!! Your blog and I have the same b-day....
Four years? Wow, you were a founding member, huh?
Posted by: DrinkJack
27 août 2006 9h08
Squink and I slow danced in celebration of your birthday... and to be sure Elvis and the Eels are much more fun than "Faithfully" by Journey, though that is a bit nostalgic in a sick and twisted way.
Posted by: mdstblz
27 août 2006 10h09
Found you from...Blogography, I think?...happy birthday. :}
Posted by: Ignatius Dedd | 27 août 2006 12h30
Happy Birthday and you cannot go wrong with The King.
By the way what kind of cake did you have? Hopefully Chocolate!
Posted by: Aargh | 27 août 2006 19h09
Happy Blog Birthday.
Four years ... nice work.
(I originally found your blog from Ecto's Blog of the Week.)
Posted by: delmer | 28 août 2006 8h25
Happy Blog Birthday! Sorry, I forgot a cake.
Posted by: Chris | 28 août 2006 8h50
thanks everyone!
maybe i'll have a big celebration next year for the fifth!
Posted by: Jodi
28 août 2006 12h58
Posted by: Danppl | 28 août 2006 15h07
Please forgive me for being tardy with my Birthday Wishes to had a national holiday yesterday so I'm behind on blogreading.
Posted by: perry | 29 août 2006 2h13
Happy 4th blogiversary, Jodi. Great Eels tune! ‡)
Posted by: Tim | 29 août 2006 8h24
Happy blog birthday... (this is ::c:: from Vox) Kosher-Pork is my "home" blog. You rock. I love the Eels, by far one of the best concerts I have ever been to.
Posted by: ::c:: | 6 septembre 2006 20h37