Let us sprinkle blue cheese on everything!
Hello, and welcome to my lunch. I'm having a delicious made before my eyes cobb salad. What I like about cobb salad is, it lets you feel smug because you are eating salad. And salad is healthy. But in reality, it's the biggest calorie bomb ever. They should just go ahead and sprinkle it with french fries. Oh well, it does posses a green leafy substances and there are those who would say that it's all worth if if I eat a vegetable. Mmmmm.... bacon bits.
This last weekend was one of the weekends I stayed In Country. I obviously prefer the more exotic, International Weekends. But yesterday was the littlest Moon's 1st birthday party, and I needed to give her many cute outfits from Gymboree. I really needed to. It's like everything that came out in this new line was made for little angelic, redheaded babies. If you are unfamiliar with the Gymboree experience, everything they have goes together. Each season they have a new line. And it all follows a certain color scheme. Things mix and match and buying clothes there is like crack. Because there is always just one more adorable thing you need to add to the pile. it's very difficult for me to spend little money there. And I still regret not buying Simone those stripey leggings. I love stripey things. It all started because of this sweater. I saw it across the store and I was a goner.
Anyway, when we sang Happy Birthday to Simone, I added a quick "and my blog" under my breath. And I dedicated half my rainbow confetti birthday cake, with purple frosting and chocolate ice cream on the side, to it. My little blog.
So many birthdays from the middle of August to the middle of September. Yesterday was Jack's birthday as well, and now that I have made the connection between my blog's anniversary and his birthday, I'll probably never forget it. Happy Birthday Jack! I think that sometime this weekend, it was my cousin Craig's birthday as well. So happy birthday to him. Today is my father's birthday, and I always miss him on his birthday. He would have been ... let me see.... math... 69? Yes, I believe so.
Saturday evening I taught my cousin, Kirsten, how to do page layout in Adobe InDesign, instead of in Photoshop. And we ate steak, baked potato and peach pie for dinner. So you know that was a good evening. And that was my weekend. You are all caught up, my salad is complete, and it's back to work for me.
That was pretty dull, huh? I'm sorry. I'll be more entertaining later, I promise. But all in all, the weekend was pretty normal, pleasant and uneventful in the way of blog fodder.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.That dinner sounded good...peach pie is yummy :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
28 août 2006 16h35
if you wanna entertain the troops, tell them about your cyber pimp, and how you made 5 dollars...
Posted by: spy in the house of love | 28 août 2006 22h20
Whoa, I wanna hear about the five dollars!
Posted by: perry | 29 août 2006 2h17
Gymboree is totally crack for parents, and others who are fortunate enough to know adorable little humans! Thankfully they've started expanding their sizes some - I've only got a couple more years until Veronica won't WANT to wear those cute clothes anymore! *sniff*
Posted by: Marie
29 août 2006 11h31
Salad sprinkled with french fries? Yes, please.
Posted by: Beth | 29 août 2006 17h58