The kids are on my side.
I feel bad. I can tell from my stats that people check the jodicam, only to be disappointed (I assume) by the lack of onlineness. The thing is, I have not been computing in the office lately, where the jodicam is set up. I've been laptop mobile. Additionally, Wil and I have recently discovered the genius that is Skype. I knew about it before, but lately we have been voice chatting over the internet instead of using the phone. And if you've ever made long distance calls to Canada from the states, you know that FREE is good. I've been using the iSight as a microphone, which keeps it from acting as the jodicam. But, Thursday afternoon I am working from home, so I might have it up and running then. And tomorrow evening I will probably be cleaning the office to make room for working from home, so maybe I'll have it online while I clean. Won't that be exciting for everyone involved.
Have ya'll heard of Vox? It's Six Apart's new blog community. Six Apart being the makers of MovableType, which I use to write this blog. I believe it's in some sort of beta right now. You can only sign up by receiving an invitation. Of course, all you have to do is ask for one, I believe. However, you can also get one from other vox members. I have some if any of you are interested. Check it out. It's quite nice. Especially if you don't want to mess with the design and layout aspects very much. They make it very easy to add books, music, videos, pictures, etc. Nicer, and prettier, than myspace, by a way lot.
Anyway, Wil's latest blog is on Vox. And he is enjoying it quite a bit. He's on a mission to collect more "neighbors." Sort of the classier equivalent to myspace friends. I only have two neighbors. Him, and the Vox team. I don't really know what to do with my vox page right now. I thought about making it some kind of theme blog. For example, if i were pregnant, it could be a pregnancy blog, Separate from my "regular" blog. But I don't have any real themes to write about. I thought about making it a book blog, but I should be using Satan's Bookclub for that. I don't have it all figured out.
I was pointing out, during a skype chat, that all of Wi's "friends" [Vox neighgors], for the most part, almost exclusively, are women. Not a jealous thing... just an observation. He said, "Yes, but I talked about you a lot today. I posted about you" And from elsewhere in the room I heard the voice of his daughter, aged 8 - or perhaps her sister, aged 7 - say "He talks about you ALL THE TIME!! ALL THE TIME!"
Thanks, kids.... good to know. Five American dollars for both of you.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Well, don't know about the rest of you, but I think jodi has been kidnapped by aliens and a clone has been left in her place ... evidence you say! Ha...
from today's blog.
1. "I feel bad." Right, yah of course you do, this is the cat that puts peoples soul's in mason jars and stores them in her grannies cupboard.
2."I will probably be cleaning..." Right, yah of course you will, this from the person who treats 'clean' as a four letter word.
3."...if i were pregnant...", gulp, no way, not even in jest, remember those hips...can't be done.
4. "Not a jealous thing..." , oh please, the original razor valentine, not jealous.
Oh course, the alternative is that someone is in Luvvv, eh?
Posted by: perry | 30 août 2006 1h15
1. ok... only the ones who deserve it.
2. you have a point here. but i always start out with the best of intentions.
3. shhhh... it's ok. that was just the first theme blog idea that popped in my head. it could have just as easily been weight loss or a fight against breast cancer or something like that.
4. no, i'm not jealous, because i know that i could kick all their asses if need be. And I make sure that the bf knows it, too.
Posted by: Jodi
30 août 2006 7h50
i should clarify, by "friends" i mean on the vox blog. the "neighbors" that he's collected. in real life... well, there are plenty of female friends as well. but, and i am serious here, that does not bother me.
Posted by: Jodi
30 août 2006 7h52
There are just too many cool toys out there to play with. I need to check out Skype though.
Posted by: Chris | 30 août 2006 8h50
Yeah, uhm... sorry about the spamming of the Jodicam area... Since I like to talk to myself I guess that carries over to things I write...
Dear god, not only do I talk to myself but I also write to myself.
I adore SKYPE (see enough to capitalize every letter). I am intrigued by VOX - mainly because I need an outlet that will allow for commentary my mother and mother in law should probably not be privy to... which is a shocking lot I tell you (not really, I am just trying to act as cool as the real bloggers out there)...
For the record I keep my souls, well not mine but those of folks worthy enough for me to harbour them in old perfume bottles... and I keep them next to the ashes of my dear and departed ones (both 2 and 4 legged varieties)... for company of course.
Posted by: Blair | 30 août 2006 10h36
She really does have the best on intentions when she uses the word, "clean", Perry, I can attest to that. She just hasn't found the right gadget, yet!
Posted by: Marie
30 août 2006 12h45
"best OF intentions" - why am I even on here? I can't type today!
Posted by: Marie
30 août 2006 12h45
Blair, I completely understand. Let me know if you would like an invite.
It's true, I have the best of intentions. However, I haven't yet left the office and I can tell you it's not going to happen. I have too much to do tonight. I'll be working from the family tomorrow afternoon. But my new laptop is a 17", so it's all good.
Posted by: Jodi
30 août 2006 15h46