School Supplies
I want someone to give me a list of things I need. Supplies required for me to be successful in the upcoming year. Clear rulers, not wooden. New crayons. Some Dixon Ticondergoa No. 2 Pencils.
Then, I want to go out and purchase my new supplies, organize them, and put them away in a new bag or backpack, ready to meet the year. It would not be enough to simply go buy these things. I need someone to give a list of requirements. I want to need to buy school supplies.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Here is what I tell my kids...
12 No. 2 pencils
12 Medium or Fine Point Ball Point Pens (Blue or Black)
1 100 package 3-ring College Ruled Loose-leaf Paper
1 1½ inch 3-Ring Binder (Black, White or Grey)
1 3 ¼ inch computer disks
2 packs of 100 3 X 5 note cards
1 small pack of tissues
1 highlighter
1 scientific calculator
1 glue stick
1 12” ruler
1 plastic Compass
1 pocket Dictionary
1 pocket Thesaurus
1 Backpack (black, white, grey or clear)
The following are the minimum supplies all students need at the beginning of the school year*
Some classes may require special materials. Students will be notified at the beginning of the class if additional materials are required.
Posted by: Blair | 5 septembre 2006 13h07
Well, hell, that is a mighty fine list!
Posted by: DrinkJack
5 septembre 2006 17h04
you need the following:
glitter pens (purple, orange, green, fushia, etc.)
post-it notes in a variety of pastel designs
a wonderwoman notebook
weird shaped erasers that smell like different car deoderizer smells (pina colada, berry, lemon, etc)
eh, that's i can think of right now...
Posted by: loon
6 septembre 2006 7h51
Well, if you went to my school, here's what you'd need:
* one pair of oversized sunglasses to accentuate gaunt cheekbones
* designer handbag/purse
* cell phone set to most annoying ring tone. Never set to vibrate.
* tiny coloured tees to be layered over yoga pants...and heels? I dunno...
* varsity logoed stuff. I am currently rocking the dayplanner -- call me conservative.
* one oversized Starbucks cup to accentuate gaunt arms, chest
* maybe a pen and a pad of paper, that could be useful sometime
Posted by: madrigalia | 7 septembre 2006 6h15
I'm going to buy everything on all of these lists. Especially the wonder woman notebook. i am, however, going to substitute the large starbucks cup with a super big gulp.
and i need to find out where i can get the gaunt cheekbones.
Posted by: Jodi
7 septembre 2006 9h45