On gal's trivia is another gal's chance to KICK YOUR ASS!
I can be slightly competitive about certain things. Events requiring physical prowess or coordination, like sports, not so much. I'm quite sure you can run faster and farther than I. All of you... any one of you... you won't have much competition from me. I'm a competitive parker of cars. Not in skill, but in proximity to destination. I will sometimes not want to give up a parking place, because it's so prime, even if there are other parking spaces available. (This is why I could never again live in San Francisco, the stress of parking would make me insane. It's bad enough in Seattle) I hate to admit it, because you won't believe me when I tell you that I don't crave the spotlight - honestly, but I really do have a need to be the most entertaining. Sometimes. I work on that one, constantly. I want to be the most entertaining, and yet, I don't want to always be entertaining. Explain that one, will you? Love me the most, but don't put too much pressure on me, because I may not always have the energy to live up to your needs. Christ, what a mess.
But! I did not start this post to talk about my occasional insecurities and need for validation of my worth! Dag nabbit, no! I came to speak of the most sacred of all competitions ... Trivial Pursuit.
I don't know what it is about my brain that collects the random crap, but I'm full of useless facts. Hence, I love the Trivial Pursuit. Not all the pie colors. I hate the blue (geography) and I am not crazy about yellow (history). The pink (entertainment) is my best pie color by far.
The last couple of weekends, I have played Trivial Pursuit with Wil and his friends. One thing I noticed right off, as the only American in the group, I am expected to know all American History or Political questions. And it's far more humiliating when I don't, when surrounded by Canadians. Canadians who kept helping each other with the questions! Like.. helping the other team! They said it was because they were Canadian, polite and helpful. I told them they'd get their asses kicked if they played TP like that, in the States. And Wil! He's the worst! If he were on my team, I would keep my hand over his mouth and he'd only be allowed to speak when given permission.
My team won, the first week. We would have won the second week, as well, but there were more people playing and more children running around and it was too distracting. We'd be lucky if we made it all the way around the table once without interruption. My heart wasn't in it.
Wil can't let go of the fact that he answered one question correctly... a question he claims no one else could have answered. I don't even remember the question itself, but the answer is a tv show M.A.N.T.I.S. It hardly matters, we are done with Trivial Pursuit. We are moving on to strip mah jong medley,.. now that he has a mac. He's in for it, tho. I'm a mah jong master. He shouldn't even bother putting pants on.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Glad to hear I am not the only one filled with useless trivia. I am kickass at Scene It and am pretty decent with Trivial Pursuit. It is strange that the Canadians needed to help each other with the answers as the game was invented in Canada. Go Figure.
Posted by: Anthony | 21 septembre 2006 0h06
We sometiems play TP when friends come for dinner. Did you know that there are various versions based on the locale. I'm not talking 'theme' versions. LOCALE versions. As in the UK version vs the Canadian Version.
Being a purist, and as pointed out by Anthony, only the Canadian Version is pure. So I swapped all the UK (version) cards for Canadian Version cards.
Not surprising that the team I am on does well.
Canadians just can't help being helpful. That is why we blurt out really good hints to the other team.
Afterall, it is Trivial Pursuit, if it was meant to be taken competitively we would have called it "Serious Pursuit".
By far best 'dinner party game' is "name that tune".
Especially after a case of Laurent Perrier Shampoo.
It is very hard to hum a tune when you are tipsy and even harder to understand what the hell the person is humming!
Posted by: perry | 21 septembre 2006 0h39
I rule Taboo, Boggle, Scrabble and TP. You would find me quite the formidible opponent, Ms. Jodi.
Posted by: Thomas | 21 septembre 2006 6h27
Long live Trivial Pursuit, and Mah Jong! I am a master of both (though I am better at Mah Jong, I must admit). Too bad I'm not closer, I'd help you kick those Canadians asses (in Trivial Pursuit - I'll leave the strip Mah Jong to you). =)
Posted by: Marie
21 septembre 2006 7h30
I challenge all of ya'll to a game of TP. but not one of those crazy THEMED versions. regular old trivial pursuit.
Posted by: Jodi
21 septembre 2006 9h43
Did you ever watch the trivia challenge thingy (not it's real name) on VH1? I can't believe how much useless crap I know.
Posted by: Chris | 22 septembre 2006 8h16