Questions and Answers
Were you born before the end of the first Gulf war?
Of course I was, I was born before the start. If you are referring to Desert Storm. I don't know... I am sure there were other wars in the gulf.
Childhood nickname?
depends on who was talking to me. my friends often called me jo-jo or jo.
Historical person you have the biggest crush on?
George Washington, 6'8" weights a fucking ton. [he's saves children, but not the British children]
How about admire?
C.G.Jung... I'm not sure it's admire so much as I find him interesting.
Favorite type of candy?
peanut butter twix
Favorite foreign country(ies)?
Canada. Of course, I've only been to Canada and Mexico. Sorry Tijuana... Canada wins.
Fish or chicken?
Do you have your own perfume line?
Have you ever written a children's book?
No, but when I was in college, I used to doodle this little girl I called Bethann, and her best friend Frank, and I wanted to write stories about them.
Have you been in a movie based on a book?
Hey, I let that crazy question about perfume pass, even tho it was a non-sequitor... but now you are getting random.
Ever posed nude for a photo?
yes. I was three.
Guiltiest pleasure?
sleeping in.
Your best nonguilty pleasure, then?
What are you allergic to?
grass and mold
Worst pickup line you've heard?
Shut up, Slave. Ok? U like to finish?
Were you bar mitzvahed?
Nope, I'm a Unitarian
Have you ever cried during a TV interview?
Not that I recall.
If they made a movie of your life, who would play you?
Ah, that's a tuff one. At what age is this movie set? I mean, that makes a difference. I don't know, I'm open to suggestions.
Pet peeve?
If you weren't doing what you do, what job would you like to have?
Either a writer or a dolphin psychologist.
Place you will never be found?
The gym.
Why did you participate in this tagging?
Normally, I don't. But Blair asked me specifically, and nicely, and also I found I had no blog topic. I've been pretty dull the last few days, working, going home and straight into pajamas, chatting with Wil, going to bed, not a lot of material for blog. Oh sure, I could write all about cleaning, but really, cleaning is pretty dull. Although I should rub it in all of ya'lls faces... I did so clean! Ask Mrs. Moon. We even went to the dump!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Unitarian as in LRY?
Those were interesting days for me...
And thank you, didn't know if you would, it was weird enough that I thought you might.
Posted by: Blair | 27 septembre 2006 18h04
well, i was in YRUU briefly. But yes, as in the Unitarian Universalists.
Posted by: Jodi
27 septembre 2006 18h13