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It's best to avoid blogging while using heavy machinery. Or something like that.

What is it about allergies? You can just be walking along, or in my case, sitting around watching "Veronica Mars" Season 1 DVD's., and then something comes along and punches you in the face. Itchy eyes, running nose, sneezing, congestion. Sucks. And, for me, allergy medicine is a different type of punch in the face right back. I took some over the counter stuff, but I did buy in Canada. Maybe it's stronger because of that? It's a generic version of a brand we have in the states. Anyway, I took that last night before I went to bed, and BAMF!! I was out and I slept for 12 hours. Like the dead. I woke up about 4 am in order to email in to work, because it was painfully obvious I was not to be operating even light machinery. Like my sonic care toothbrush. One of my morning rituals. And if you can't brush your teeth.... well, what good are you?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Not even being able to brush your teeth (with a Sonic Care even!) is a bad sign. Definitely a sign that one needs to call in to work.

How ya feeling now?

Eww! Sorry you aren't feeling well.

Wow. Get some rest and take care of yourself! Hope you feel better!

I heart my sonic toothbrush, but you're right. It takes a lot of effort to navigate that sucker around the molars.

Did you buy the allergy medication in the red box (extra-strong Reactine)? That is the only one that works for me. It knocks me out cold for about 8 hours. Then my allergies kick in again. So I suppose it doesn't really work.