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Then and Now: Episode 35 Lighting Our Candles in a Daze

Back when this album was out, I was in a bad roommate situation. I was living with my best friend. We were not getting along, and she resented the fact that she felt that she had to invite me to do anything she did, socially. Because we had the some friends. She did her best to exclude me as often as possible, even if it just meant treating me coldly when we were in a social situation. Why on earth would a best friend treat you that way? It hardly matters, we haven't been any type of friends in many many years.

During this time, I started to discover all the ways in which we differed, coveted these things. Music was one. She had an increasing interest in country music. And I discovered Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Nevermind and Ten, I used to play them loud, especially the angry songs. (But I still enjoyed a good Lyle Lovett song.)

Lithium - Nirvana


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Huh. Normally I like my Nirvana classic, pure, so to speak. But I really liked this cover. Good find. :-)

That cover is hilarious. I can finally understand the words :)

interesting cover. i think i like it. i'll have to keep that in my cover archive. :)