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Then and Now: Episode 35 You'll Never Need to Doubt It

I have friends who consider the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds to be genius. And Mr. Moon once told me that "God Only Knows" and "Wouldn't it be Nice?" are two of the most romantic songs a boy could email a girl. He's probably right. In a break from tradition, I'm not going to talk about each version, but rather just give 'em to you to enjoy.

God Only Knows - The Beach Boys


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I'm a music feind. I like crap no one else has ever heard of or could tolerate. For some reason, I don't understand the genius of the Beach Boys. Just sounds like a couple of guys with some nice harmonies to me.

Chris, I couldn't disagree more. Thanks for putting these together!