50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 54
Hey kids, I'm off today. And I'm waiting for the Moons to arrive, so I can take them up to Victoria with me, to meet Wil. They will be the first people I've ever introduced to Wil, since we are usually together up in Victoria. Nowhere near my friends or family. So, this week's theme is introductions. It is also inspired by a crabby man on one of the tour busses in New York who used every single cliche known to man to describe the traffic.
Shake Hands
"Hi... hi... I thought it would be nice to finally introduce myself."
"Oh... hi... it's nice to meet you, I'm the left hand."
"Yeah, you too. Look, I am the right hand, and the truth is, the rumors are true, I have no idea what you are doing."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam."Hello, my name is the Past."
"Hi, I am the Future."
"So, what's new?"
"Everything! You?"
"Same old shit."
"We got to stop meeting like this."
"Yeah. The Present is getting suspicious."
"True, she takes everything out of context."
"That bitch always has to be in the middle of everything."
Posted by: DrinkJack
3 novembre 2006 15h06