Will someone go get me a diet pepsi, I finally got this spot on the couch warm.
How is it possible that I haven't blogged in a week? I even forgot f 50 Word Fiction Friday. Oh, I know exactly what I've been doing instead of blogging. And anything else that I've needed to do in the evenings and on the weekends.
Wil convinced me to install a trial version of World of Warcraft. It's important you understand that it was not my idea and it's not my fault. It's Wil's. You understand that, right? He told me we could be elfin boyfriend and girlfriend, and kiss. So it took two days, but I downloaded and installed a 10 day guest pass. Wil's been playing a 14 day trial. Ok, the fun part is we can play together online. Most the video/computer games that Wil plays are first person shooter, and I play the Sims or puzzle games. So that was kind of fun, playing together. I'm a Level 12 Druid Night Elf. This makes me worthless in a fight, for the most part. Wil does the bulk of the fighting. Once, I was cornered by several giant spiders who kept killing me, every time I came back to life, they'd kill me. When I complained, Wil said "Honey, that's why you need to wait for me to get there, I'll take care of them for you, you are not strong enough yet." Geek chivalry. However, he was on one quest that was proving to be particularly difficult, so I helped him out by continuously casting a health spell on him, over and over, while he fought these... somethings, I don't know what, that kept killing him.
Once, we were waiting on the dock for a boat to take us to an island, we were jumping up and down and being silly and another elf came and joined us. Pretty soon he was jumping up and down and being silly. And he started flirting with Tangwen, my elf. He asked to join our party. But here's the thing.... meeting up in World of Warcraft to play together? That's like... a date to me and Wil. This is what constitutes a date in a long distance relationship. I don't know what people who aren't into computers do, when they are in long distance relationships. Do they sit on the phone, long distance, and watch tv at the same time or something? it's seriously fun to be able to play a game with someone who is a 5 hours car and ride away. It's seriously fun to play with someone in the same room, as well - with the added benefit of the vocal interaction. (Usually I get statements similar to "Where are you going? Why are you running in circles. You know they are shooting arrows at you, don't you?" Actually, he's is very patient with me. )
Originally, Wil had some ... life goals, shall we say, he wanted to complete before he would allow himself to actually purchase the full game. But once we started playing together, and he maxed out the levels he could reach on a trial version, he downgraded these to-do items to one: is there enough change in my spare change drawer to buy the game? Yes, ok then. It came with 30 days of time (you have to pay for access to the game servers) and after that, he has to have certain things done, before he can buy more time on the server.
As for me, I bought the damn game too. And it poses a great threat to my nanowrimo, which wasn't exactly going anywhere anyway. I don't know if I am going to complete NaNo this year. I'm too distracted. And not buy just WoW, either. Although... did I mention I can turn into a bear? Yeah, I'm a shapeshifter. Cool, huh. Next I think I get to learn to be a big toothy cat. But I don't know what level I have to reach before I can get there.
God, I am such a geek. it's ok, these things usually only a last a couple of weeks before I get over it. Remember the first time I played the sims? I survived that.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I was addicted to a different online role playing game, Dark Age of Camelot, and know what that's like. I've also got myself into a long distance relationship, and we spend a lot of time on yahoo voice chat sending each other url's of the stuff we're looking at while we're on our "dates".
I'd considered introducing her to DAOC, but I finally managed to kick my habit, and don't need my baby losing sleep to get one more level in. The sad part (and why I kept playing [and paying] so long after the fun was gone} is when you quit the game you leave good friends behind for whom you don't even have real life names. I think my fiancee is sick of hearing what Naida and Vim did in the Corsucating Mines when I fell into the pit.
But then again, it would solve the question of, "What are you doing now?" when the yahoo voice goes quiet.
Posted by: Erik | 14 novembre 2006 5h07
Do we need to schedule some sort of intervention?
Posted by: Chris | 14 novembre 2006 6h17
when you get over WoW come join me at FFXI :) i thought that addiction was only going to last a couple weeks, but its getting stronger. i haven't even *started* nanowrimo yet. oh well, still got half a month left.
geek chivalry ftw!
Posted by: loon
14 novembre 2006 6h26
that's a plus ten to your geekitude, jodes. i love it! jodi + geek(10) = cute!
Posted by: arifa
14 novembre 2006 9h41
Whoa....computers have games on them?
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 novembre 2006 16h10
you know, there is hope, at one point last night, when we were playing with other players who were also much higher levels than I, i opted to go have a bubble bath instead. :)
Posted by: Jodi
15 novembre 2006 11h15
wait, i just realized that without nanowrimo you might not post a soundtrack. how sad. :(
i vote you post one anyways.
Posted by: river selkie | 15 novembre 2006 21h09
OK - WoW - wow. You are hosed. Royally hosed. You must not start. I swear to you. If you start, you will lose a year of your life. Seriously. Stop now while you still can. take it from a L60 Warlock (I started so that I could spend more time with L who started before I did). Run.
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 15 novembre 2006 22h16