« I don't care if you were pole-dancing all night, as long as you did it with some integrety! | Main | 50 Word Fiction Fridays - Vol. 55 »


Did I mention that I got a Canadian pre-paid cell phone. Wil currently does not have a phone, for the time being. Neither one of us are phone people, really. But you kinda need one in emergencies. And there was no way for the less email/chat inclined family to reach me on the weekends. So I got a simple pre-paid phone, which I leave with him during the week. My American pre-paid cell phone does not have service once I cross the border, for whatever reason.

Sales guy: Any preferences for numbers?
Jodi: I like 8's.
Wil: I like phone numbers that rhyme. Something easy to remember.
Jodi: Maybe a phone number that spells something?

My Canadian phone number? (no, I'm not really going to give you the entire number, just the important part) XXX-XXX-JODI.



Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Hmm - OK triple X triple X jodi, on the heels of the pole dancing class post - what's going on here?

That is much cooler that a personalised license plate!