« 50 Word Fiction Fridays - Vol. 55 | Main | Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! »

Boo! Yea or Nay.

One, do you believe in ghosts? And if so, have you ever had a ghostly experience? I'll explain later when I talk about my weekend.

I'm on the ferry ride back to the mainland right now, and, truth be told, I think I am getting sick. I think I have a cold. There is a difference between allergies and a cold and I am feeling the difference. This sucks because I am leaving for North Carolina on Wednesday to spend 5 days at my stepmonster's house for Thanksgiving. I don't want to be sick! Crap. Anyway, I'll post this when I get home and you guys can think about it and tell me your thoughts on ghosts and I'll explain why I asked tomorrow.

Note: I wrote that last night when I was on the ferry, but forgot to post it. I decided to stop off at the office and pick up my computer so I could work from home today.... Monday. That got me home about 1:30, since I had caught the last ferry. Too sleepy. And feeling kinda crappy. I just didn't want you guys to think I was sitting around not blogging due to WoW. Cuz I haven't played in days. Swear to gods.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

1. yes, i think so. 2. and not obviously.

We did a “do you believe in spirits/ghosts” thing at river selkie's place and it kind of turned into fisticuffs. It seems people who don't believe feel compelled to try and convince those who do that they are delusional.

haha. sadly true about the fisticuffs. i daresay that the online-style forum didn't help with communication either. oh well. what can you do.

Nope, not in the least. But I don't believe in anything.

i believe. and this one time, i thought i was having a ghost/paranormal experience, but i think my brain was just playing tricks on me. :) so no "ooooh i saw the ghosty" story from me.

unsurprisingly, i don't believe in ghosts. growing up, i used to read all kinds of books on ghosts and other paranormal stuff and always thought it would be awesome to meet a ghost.

I always see things out of the corner of my eye that I just dismiss as my active imagination. I frequently see people walking around in my peripheral vision that aren't there. One time working a graveyard shift dubbing videos someone else saw the same guy I saw walk past us. We both looked up at the same time, but the building was empty. Later a cart rolled down a ramp from which it was last seen sitting a good 5 feet away and hit the door at the bottom, so we shut the machines down and went home due to paranormal experiences.