50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 56
A couple of weeks ago, I took one of those "you are so smart, you know our products so well" tests. However, I was not smart enough to sign up for the right version. Color me surprised when I failed! Der. Whata dope. Anyway, I am re-taking it today. Or just taking it. Since this time, I plan on taking the correct version. So the them this week is "ace."
Watch for Falling Ice
She raised a hand to block out harsh winter sun. Turning her head, she saw the days work, the hunting and gathering, spilled out on the ground, plastic bag still grasped in her hand. Large shoes appeared before her. Shoes planted firmly on the icy sidewalk.
"Way to go, Ace."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Heavy smoke hung in the air like a fog of clarity in a Senatorial chamber. I stared deeply into the eyes of my opponent looking, searching for a weakness.
A hint of a smile. He is bluffing!
"All in!"
He lays his cards on the table.
Four Aces.
Posted by: DrinkJack
8 décembre 2006 19h08
it was the last game of the night.
they were down to their last piece of clothing.
with a cocky smile, he laid out his cards.
a full house.
and then she laid out hers.
"i won! i won!" and she started dancing.
he groaned and started stripping.
"fucking aces..."
Posted by: shrewness | 8 décembre 2006 19h34