Seattle Office Routine: Coffee, Email, Watch for Suicidal Jumpers
I don't work for company mentioned in the article, but I work in the same approximate place. It's all true. Except, I don't drink coffee.
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I don't work for company mentioned in the article, but I work in the same approximate place. It's all true. Except, I don't drink coffee.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.yikes. i don't know what would be worse, seeing the dead body or having it land on your car... while your still inside! that would scare the ever lovin monkey beejeebers out of me.
Posted by: loon
15 décembre 2006 8h54
Oh, man. Reading about that 15 year old girl who jumped made my heart ache.
What a crazy article to get through.
Posted by: marie b. | 16 décembre 2006 2h49