Amelia and her New Adventure
Amelia: Hey, what happened.. .it's dark. I can't see.
Me: it's ok.
Amelia: I feel funny.
Me: It's ok... you are rolled up.
Amelia: Rolled up?
Me: Yeah, we're leaving. We're taking off.
Amelia: We are? Are we going to go exploring?
Me: Yeah
Amelia: Sweet! You know I'm a bit of an adventurer, don't you?
Me: I've heard that about you.
Amelia: So where are we off to now?
Me: How do you feel about... Canada?
Amelia: Beauty, eh!
Me: Precisely.
Goodbye, P.O.E. I will miss you. You are the best company I've ever worked for in my life, truly world class. You've been very good to me. And I hope that I, at least the majority of the time, have been good to you.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.This makes me a little sad, but I am happy for you at the very same time. Truly an adventure!
Posted by: DrinkJack
22 décembre 2006 15h27
me next! me next! oh, who am i kidding. i'll never get up the guts to quit and do something i really want. that would entail me figuring out what i really want, and the chances of that happening are nil.
Posted by: arifa
23 décembre 2006 23h53
P.O.E? Peace On Earth?
Posted by: delmer | 24 décembre 2006 21h25
oh boy! ADVENTURE!
Posted by: river selkie | 25 décembre 2006 0h35
hilarious... i thought amelia was a coworker or something until i read this.
Posted by: arifa
28 décembre 2006 11h59