Snowed in, in Canada
Woke up to inches of snow on the ground, and more fluffy stuff falling. I suppose, to some, snow would be expected in Canada. But this is Victoria. It's below the 49th. Basically, whatever happens in Seattle, happens in Victoria. So, yes, they are getting snow down home as well. I think about a half foot has fallen here already, not sure what that is in centimeters. And it's snowing again now.
We went for a walk today. The snow is still new and soft. Sidewalks, which were newly shoveled when we walked one direction, were completely blanketed again when we came back. I made bear prints in the snow. And threw a snowball at a telephone pole. Well, aimed for one at least. That was simply to show the world at large that they were in no danger from me, when it came to snowball fights. I considered making an angel, but I really only brought the one pair of jeans, spending most of my time in yoga pants when we hang out, and didn't want to completely soak them. We stopped at a coffee shop and I had a large mug of hot chocolate, with whipped cream, and a chocolate swirl. It was a situation in which one could hardly avoid getting whipped cream on one's nose. Watching the snow out the window, I kept thinking about Colorado. I need to go back there, someday soon.
I bet if I went outside now, in the dark, the world would be all silent, the way it is in the new snow. Everything muffled. Shhhh.... goodnight snow.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.One of my all time favorite moments in life is the ultra-silence provided by a heavy snow fall.
Posted by: DrinkJack
11 janvier 2007 16h17
I wanna get snowed in! But nooooo. It's warm-ish and raining here. In January!!
Posted by: Chris | 12 janvier 2007 9h08
Yuck! I live in Langley (30 minutes east of Vancouver).
We got far too much snow here as well!
I almost got excited to see a sunny day and the wind storms leave and then WHACK here are roads with black ice and almost a foot of snow.
Bring on summer now!
Posted by: Beer Belly | 12 janvier 2007 23h21