Everything is better with kittens, people.
Evildeb hates me. Actually, she just resents me. She was discussing one of the more frustrating aspects of my former job with Dr. Stevil and KK, when I chatted her ... the fact that I don't have to talk about this subject, or deal with it, makes her resent me. It is somewhat upsetting, but understandable, because she is evil and tends to feel things at a more intense level than the rest of us non-evil people. I think she just misses me. I miss her too. Apparently I left some stuff behind, so I'm going to have to stop by soon.
After a lot of thought, about two weeks at least, I've decided to clean the kitchen first. The kitchen, office and bedroom have to be clean before the family room, dining room and bathroom can really be picked up. Stuff has migrated all over the house and there is no place to put anything away. I described it as "teenage girl bedroom chaos dirty, but over the entire house," to my stepmom. Anyway, I was making good progress until a song from the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer came on my iTunes shuffle. Then I found myself sitting down to watch season 7, which I never watched on disc, and so had missed all the commentary and special features. I have all the seasons on dvd now because I bought myself this a few months back:
It's so pretty. I gave all my single seasons I did own to my cousin. The best part is, I think I finally have Wil primed to watch BtVS. He's a big Firefly and Serenity fan, so he knows the genius of Joss. Got him hooked on Veronica Mars, so I know he can accept the premise of kick ass teenage girls who solve problems while wearing cool clothes. I'm looking forward to sharing Buffy with him.
ok... back to cleaning... i know... quit stalling.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Sweet! Next you'll need to get him hooked on Angel! Did you know that Joss Whedon is scheduled to write Runaways. Unfortunately I can't take the credit for knowing that just for having a comic geek husband. Lol!
Posted by: ::c:: | 15 janvier 2007 18h01
BtVS is awesome! How awesome? Well, my Dad is 70 years old and he has every episode on tape.
Joss Whedon actually went to university in Winchester, where I live here in the UK.
Posted by: Roland Hulme | 16 janvier 2007 1h29
You know, I watched Buffy for a while and was never able to get into it. I'm not sure why.
Posted by: Chris | 16 janvier 2007 5h12
ahhh - memories of buffy =) i should find someone else to get hooked on it so i can experience it vicariously.
Posted by: arifa
27 janvier 2007 1h54