Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails.
Today is my little brother's birthday. Twenty -six years ago my father called me up to tell me I had a little brother. And I said "oh man... really? a boy?" I was really hoping for a little sister. I already had a brother, and it wasn't working out like it did on the television. I thought maybe a little sister might be more fun. As it turns out, a younger sibling who starts kindergarten the day you start college is going to be kind of annoying no matter what their gender, with an age difference that great. Besides, I don't know what I was thinking. I was about to be the middle child in this particular branch of my family, with a precious cute little baby sibling, and an older brother who, ummm... commanded a lot of attention. At least I had Only Daughter going for me, right?
But the annoying baby brother grew up. And sure, he's a bit weird. He's a vegan who drives a truck that runs on french fry grease and he sews patches on his clothes with dental floss. He can't machine wash all his clothes because they would fall apart. But he grew up to be a good man. He's recently started culinary school in Berkeley, learning to make food from sticks and leaves and other non-animal products. I'm pretty proud of him, even though I know that means he'll never make me a pot roast.
Happy Birthday JJ!!
luv, yur seester.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I have never met him, but I really like Josh. It's probably because he's vegan and therefore gets made fun of by you more than I do. Happy birthday!
Posted by: arifa
1 février 2007 16h52
haha. happy birthday, fellow vegan! (though i am sure he is much better at it than i!)
Posted by: river selkie | 2 février 2007 12h37
Happy b-day to your bro!
Posted by: Chris | 2 février 2007 17h57
Happy birthday from middle America!
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 février 2007 7h20