My beeswax IS their beeswax, apparently
I've given up worrying about the border guards. The Canadians don't care where I work anymore. They can barely get enough enthusiasm going for my visits to even glance at my paperwork half the time. The Americans? Well, fuck 'em. They ask a billion questions and shine flashlights in my car, and they are kind of intimidating, but it IS my country I'm trying to enter, so I guess I'm not so worried about what they think of me. I now just tell them I'm unemployed. They get to ask the question that everyone wants to ask me, but are too polite, usually, to do so. What do I do for income. And, even though I fail to see how it's their business, I tell them something true.
You really only need one kidney to live.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.i had a dream with you in it last night! i came for a visit to your house. and we tried to make some cookie-muffins (it was some sort of strange hybrid) and your boyfriend came over as a surpise...or maybe i was the surprise, i cannot remember. anyway, you were a little distracted for a few minutes and left the cookie-muffins in my care. but your oven totally messed them up.
when i checked on them the first time, a whole bunch of the batter somehow pooled on the bottom of the oven in the back. it's like your oven was not level (and not quite cooking, either). and so i opened the oven (it wasn't hot for some reason), scooped out all the batter and reset it properly onto the cookie sheet. (gross, i know!)
i didn't tell ya though, cause i didn't want you to think it was my fault. hahaha. it was so weird. i cannot remember the rest sadly.
Posted by: river selkie | 8 février 2007 9h32
oooch! That is really yucky. It worries me that this is the second time you raised that topic and the last was just after you paid off Lola. I am starting to believe it is true and Michael and Luke now refuse to east steak and kidney pie. It has not however affected Liz's eating at all, she says she is happy eating anything or anyone's guts...even yours!
Posted by: perry | 9 février 2007 5h32
river, that sounds pretty much like a typical cooking session for me. i would have taken the blame, completely. :)
perry - i said that before? dammit, i hate it when i repeat myself.
Posted by: Jodi
9 février 2007 10h13
You could always sell snacks on the ferry by undercutting the vending machine....
Posted by: DrinkJack
9 février 2007 15h27