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Greetings from New Westminster

Surprise! We are going to be living on the mainland. Wil started a new job this morning. I dropped him off at work, but I didn't pack him a lunch or anything. We are staying in a hotel right now. Along with Pru. I'm going back home tomorrow and Wil will, hopefully, be staying with a friend for a couple of days until I come back next weekend. We are looking for a place to live and we need one now. However, it's not going well. 95% of all places listed don't accept pets. We have a small geographical area we are looking in, because we want to keep the commute time, via public transportation, down. And we need a two bedroom at least.

There is a lot to be said for saving money. We saw a place 4 blocks from the new job, it met the deal breaker criteria I have - my own parking spot. Cats are ok. It has been newly refurbished so while the building itself is a bit sad, the apartment is nice with hardwood floors and new appliances. It's only $175 more dollars than I pay now, not taking conversion into account, simply by numbers. However, it's so dinky. SO SO SO SO dinky. Maybe somewhere around 600 square feet? 650? I could not fit half my stuff in it. I don't know where we would put litter boxes. So cute, but so small. I just don't know if we could fit there. You could not even fit a couch in the living room.

Plus, in the hallway, you could smell someone's dinner cooking, and it smelled like they were cooking ASS.

We aren't ruling it out, yet. It's the most affordable, convenient, cat friendly place we've found. It's available now. But we've only been looking one day.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I say hold out for just a bit. Surely something better than ass will come along.

Is ASS a popular dish in Canada?

Go to a neighborhood you guys feel safe in and one you'd enjoy walking around on a Saturday morning. Keep playing that great music, Jodi. Love the tunes. Thanks.

It is our national delicacy, Roland. :P

Would it be possible to live somewhere short-term and then search for a better apartment?

Maybe they were cooking ass. You never know.

Welcome to the Mainland and while finding a place can be tough hopefully you can take a little time and find a better place.

hey. i think we need a new "then and now".


You know, WTF? I was saying this to my BF last night: let's say you rent an apartment. And then, suprise! You find out you're pregnant. You give birth. A year later, you're pregnant again. Soon you've got a blossoming little family in the house. Babies cry and scream. Then they learn to walk and use Crayolas on the walls. They smash Kraft Singles into the carpet. Then they become teenagers and smoke ganja in your kitchen after school, hang out with ruffians named Dice, throw parties when you go out of town, things like that. And your landlord? Can't. Say. Shit. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Because not only is it ILLEGAL to discrimate against children, it's politcally incorrect and non 'family-friendly.'

But? You want to bring a CAT? Sorry. No way, Jose. Lo siento. Je regrette. Non, non, non. Move to the back of the bus, the veritable renter's ghetto that exists for people with pets.

Me, bitter?


The Girl in San Freaking Francisco (worst housing market in the US) with TWO Count Em TWO Dogs