Champs Like Us
I went down to the states to take care of some "needs." For example, I went to Target. With no real purpose other than to expose myself to it's bright sunny goodness. It's Targetness. (Canadians, hear my plea - you must DEMAND that Target come to Canada. Trust me.) I bought several boxes of Milk Duds and some black licorice candy for Wil. He loves the black licorice. He's weird. Then I went to Bath and Body Works for some new bubble bath. Sparkling peach. It smelled juicy. I also went to Nordstroms. Shoe Department. I explained my withdrawal to the sales guy. He told me people, and employees, have pleaded with Nordstrom to go international. But they resist. Sigh. I didn't need new shoes so much as I needed new shoes from Nordstrom. They were so red and fun. And the sun was out. It felt like spring.
But, perhaps the most important errand was turning in the rental car I've been wasting money on for months, and picking up my BRAND NEW CAR FROM THE FUTURE!! Yes, it's from the FUTURE. How else would I be able to get a 2008, when 2007 is barely a quarter over? I bought a 2008 Subaru Legacy Outback - LL Bean Edition. Black, with taupe interior. I cannot tell you how pretty it is. I can't even show you because, since it's from the future, it does not show up on pictures taken with traditional digital technology. Actually, the truth is, it's been raining ever since I got it home. Which is a shame because it's got a mother fuckin' HUGE sunroof, which I am in love with. I have never had a sunroof before. Thank god it was nice and sunny when I picked it up, so I could enjoy it, briefly.
It's got an input for my iPod and a Navigational System. I really wanted one. For the first time in 19 years, I am living some place new, I don't know my way around. And already we've enjoyed the benefits. Yesterday, I went to Canadian Tire, one that I've been to before and know is not the closest one. And it took me on a route I never knew of, and I learned a lot. Like where Costco is. And where to buy fresh blueberries off a blueberry farm. Important things.
I had a number of names picked out for her. But when we were driving down 405, sunroof open, "Born to Run" came on and I realized. My new car IS born to run. So I named her Wendy. Wendy the Jet Black Princess Action Wagon. Or JiBPAW for short.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.A new home, in a new country, new shoes from Nordstrom, and a new car (and don't think I'm forgetting about that sleep number bed)?? Just call me jealous!
Well, at least I still live smack dab in the middle, between two Targets to comfort me! Hehe. That, and the fact that they opened a Nordstom Rack about a mile down the road - although I've yet to go there.
Posted by: Marie
3 mai 2007 14h50
Your new wheels sound fantastic. Subaru does not offer an L.L. Bean model in the UK. Is it extra waterproof???
Posted by: perry | 3 mai 2007 23h55
Congrats on the car from the future. That's awesome. But seriously, no Target? What kind of backwards country are you living in?
Posted by: Chris | 4 mai 2007 9h30
ok, marie, bragging is not attractive in a friend who lives so close to targetty goodness when I do not.
The LL Bean came with some stuff I wanted, and it was easiest and cheapest just to go with it. It has LL Bean on the mats and also on the back of the car. and pretty wood trim on the dash and such. also, when i'm not using it, it hunts ducks.
Posted by: Jodi
4 mai 2007 9h40
I have heard good things about those cars, but hell, if it can hunts ducks, then that IS extra special!
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 mai 2007 15h35
Nordstrom? Target? (feverishly takes notes for next cross-border trip...)
Posted by: madrigalia | 4 mai 2007 16h20