50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 60
The garbage men were sarcastic and rude to me today. And I was left with no sassy comeback, after a frustrating hour in traffic. Nothing is more frustrating than a missed opportunity of sassiness. So the theme is rudeness.
Also, I would just like to thank Jack for playing along with me each and every week. Even if I forget for a while, next time I play FiWoFic, Jack is there to play along. Thanks, Jack!
What The Encounter With The Garbage Men Would Have Been Like if I Were My WoW Character.
"You know, just a reminder, there ARE two entrances to this building," said the burly sanitation engineer. His obviously pea-brained buddy laughed.
Her tiger took care of the sidekick, while she aimed her bow at the first.
"You know, just a reminder, nobody likes a smart aleck."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.The happy family was driving down the freeway when a tiny, eco-friendly "smart" car roared past and swiftly cut them off. The mom furious, bite her tongue. Dad just griped the steering wheel with fists of fury. The four year old piped up, "That was one rude SOB, huh mom?"
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 mai 2007 15h48
I recently thought of a comeback to something a snarky professor once said. FOUR YEARS LATER.
And damned if I didn't want to call him that second.
Posted by: madrigalia | 4 mai 2007 16h18