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A Song About the Kittens

The cats still don't get along. I don't know if they ever will. Here is a song I made up for them this morning. Sung to the tune of the theme to the "Beverley Hillbillies."

Ode to Mo and Pru
Let me tell you a story about a cat named Mo,
Eating is her favorite, a hallow leg that's for sho,
Then one day comes competition for her food,
A snaggletooth kitten, a fluffball named Prud.

Prudence that is,
American girl,
Yankee cat.

Next thing you know, ol' Mo is getting pissy,
Both cats are fluffing up, getting ready for a hissy,
But just before all the fur can hit the fan,
In she comes, The Girl Who Opens The Can.

Jodi that is,
American girl,
The true Alpha Cat.

Oddly enough, they both seemed nonplussed by my song. Although I am sure that secretly they love my singing.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

thanks, this really got my Friday off to a great start!

Thanks for the good chuckle I can just picture the two of them looking at you as you sing the song to them.

That is just too funny. At least they are giving you something be creative with :)

then and now, then and now, then and now!

I needed that on a Monday morning. Thanks :)

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