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Then and Now: Episode 43 Thanks for Reminding Me, River

Everybody has a list of those songs. Songs that, no matter how many times you hear them, you will never get tired of them. It's usually a pretty short list, because few songs can stand up to that. "Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison; "When You Wish Upon A Star" by Pinochio; those are a couple of mine. But this song is the number one song on that short list. I've loved it since the album came out. I loved it before Say Anything, although that movie made me love it more. I went through two cassette tapes of "So" and purposely made it the very first CD I purchased for this song. And the one time I saw Peter Gabriel in concert, I think my heart stopped beating when they played this song. Not to over romanticize it or anything.

In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel


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So is definitely in my top 10 favorite albums, ever. My first copy was a cassette, too, and I listened to it daily for months, over, and over, most of the time. Wore it out completely. It was also one of the very first CDs I ever purchased.

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