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50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 61

Today's 50 Word fiction theme is division. Maybe because I just watched the Wedding Crashers, again, the other day. Also based on a conversation Wil and I had about divorce.

Long Division

They were attempting to be civil. 50/50 down the line; they'd both contributed to the household. Nobody could really quantify.
"In adherence to the spirit of the agreement, air miles will be split in half. Next... the cats."
"I want the front halves!"
"Great, stuck with the butts. Again"


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

The military division rolled out of the desert in the middle of the night. Morale was mixed. Failure was in the air, but they were going home. Their actions were brave, but even bravery can not overcome decisions based upon political greed and not on the realities of the world.

Snort! Brilliant!

Your one, Jodi. Not Jack's. Not that his wasn't good. It just didn't involve sawing cats in half.

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