i cannot remember if i have said this before or not. regardless, i am thinking about it again. if you have any desire to start up satan's bookclub again, i have been reading lots of books lately, evil ones, and have less other blog/website commitments to interfere with my time, and so i would be more than willing to pimp, write reviews, participate in the book club- fo' real yo. i still think it is a great idea.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.ohmygoodness i covet this tshirt mucho much!
Posted by: loon
20 mai 2007 9h56
1.) Wow, you look thin in that shirt.
2.) I am a Batgirl fangirl - where did you get the T?
Posted by: Natasha F (but not Fatale) | 20 mai 2007 21h01
Nice. That? Is awesome!
Posted by: Chris | 22 mai 2007 5h37
I don't feel - as a gentleman - I can really comment on your beautiful t-shirt - because you'll think I was staring at your cleavage!!!!
Posted by: Roland Hulme | 22 mai 2007 7h58
sweet! i can respect me some batgirl. wonder woman is where it is at, but batgirl is awesome too.
Posted by: river selkie | 22 mai 2007 13h52
i cannot remember if i have said this before or not. regardless, i am thinking about it again. if you have any desire to start up satan's bookclub again, i have been reading lots of books lately, evil ones, and have less other blog/website commitments to interfere with my time, and so i would be more than willing to pimp, write reviews, participate in the book club- fo' real yo. i still think it is a great idea.
Posted by: river selkie | 23 mai 2007 0h26
I'm a Batgirl fan through and through. Ivonne Craig WAS THE Batgirl :)
Although (I forget her name) the actress who portrayed her (Dina Meyer) on Bird of Prey was AWESOME.
Posted by: Raul | 4 août 2008 17h28