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Memorial Day

My stepfather passed away yesterday, a little over 4 months after his diagnosis of cancer.

I miss him already. But I think I've been missing him for a while now.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I am so sorry, Jodi. I know how close you were to him, and I remember how nice he was when I met him, while visiting you.


My thoughts are with you. Take care.

Our sincerest condolences. If you need anything in/around Seattle, just let us know.

i am so sorry, jodi. that's hard to bear. my thoughts are with you.

I'm so sorry. You can call me if you need anything. I lost your phone numbers, cuz I'm flakey like that.

Jodi, I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how much Ron meant to you. I will always remember him with fondness and how he could make me laugh.

I am so sorry Jodi.. let me know if there is anything you need. It sucks...I know what you must be feeling.. and how it is to mourn someone even before they are physically gone... let me know if you ever need to talk, vent or whatever.

I'm sorry Jodi. I'll send good, happy vibes your way.

aw jodi, i'm so sorry to hear. here's more good-n-happy thoughts coming your way.

How are you doing, Jodi?

Thinking of you

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