Eating mom's food
Hi. I'm still stateside. I don't have much to report except that the memorial is tomorrow. And I should be heading back up north on Wednesday. I've been here a week and I miss Wm and The Kittens. I can't sleep without them. I think when I get back, I might sleep for 24 hours. Because, yes, I miss my wonderful bed, too.
I decided the last few weeks have been too emotionally draining for me, I have not written about my immigration issues, so you might not understand. I think because my mind was full of my stepfather, I just couldn't seem to blog about it. I'm not going to today, either. We'll talk about it when I get home. But, the point is, because it's been so draining, so many stressful things, sad things and extremely good things going on at once, I had better go pay a visit to the Naked Lady Spa while I'm down here. For medicinal purposes of course.
Also, I'm going to go ahead and recommend that ya'll see the movie Waitress. It's a quirky and funny film, and I'm saddened that Adrienne Shelly is no longer with us, because I think I would have become more of a fan, as she made more movies. Also, Nathan Fillion is in it, so all Capt. Mal fans, like myself, will be so happy to see him. His pants aren't as tight as Capt Mal, tho. And that's a darn shame. Seriously. A darn shame.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Sounds like a spa would hit the spot for you :) Take care and maybe Goggle for pics of Capt Mal.
Posted by: DrinkJack
12 juin 2007 6h55
A spa sounds perfect! Oh, and have you seen the shirt Nathan Fillion is wearing on his Wikipedia page? It says, "shiny". How cool is that?
Posted by: Marie
12 juin 2007 9h49
Waitress! Yes, saw it Monday morning, excellent film. Sending good vibes your way darling, stay shiny.
Posted by: Sarah | 14 juin 2007 11h07
jack - i have all the fireflys and serenity on hand at all times, just for capt. mal.
marie, i need that shirt. so does wil.
sarah - wasn't it wonderful? i'm going to own that when it comes out on dvd.
Posted by: Jodi
14 juin 2007 11h37
captain mal, oh captain mal!!! ah, nathan in a shiny shirt...i need me one of those. (nathan, not one of the shirts.) hahaha.
Posted by: river selkie | 14 juin 2007 23h30