I was just wondering...
a car just drove by our building, honking it's horn. It played the theme song to The Godfather.
Was that really necessary?
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a car just drove by our building, honking it's horn. It played the theme song to The Godfather.
Was that really necessary?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.It might not be necessary... but it sounds AWESOME.
I HAVE to get me one of those.
Posted by: Roland Hulme | 27 juin 2007 9h55
Why not go for something more cheery, like Rawhide?
Posted by: Sarah | 27 juin 2007 10h03
sarah wins the award for brilliant ideas. i'm going to have to make one. how AWESOME would it be to have a horn that played Rawhide?
Posted by: Jodi
27 juin 2007 10h52
This has nothing to do with horns, but there's a car I occasionally hear in our apartment complex parking lot. It sounds like it's driving underwater. The engine makes a gurgling sound, like the one in Flubber, I think it is? I don't think they did it on purpose either. It also seems to make a kind of pinging sound, wait, no, that's the car in Two for the Road. Easy to get 'em confused.
Posted by: aries327 | 27 juin 2007 12h38
It's totally not necessary. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But it sure is cool.
Posted by: Chris | 28 juin 2007 5h53