no sleeping. only thinking.
Sometimes, when I can't sleep, I look over at Wil sleeping, and I'm blown away by what a huge impact this person has had in my life. Completely stunned by it. How amazing it seems that a little over two years ago someone found my blog while working a grave yard shift, strung out on too much coffee and alone time, most likely looking for information on Russ Meyer films or some such naughtiness, and now I'm going to marry him. But from the moment we started talking, everything in my life changed. Ask anyone who had to work with me.
So I look at him sleeping, and think about how we are getting married in two weeks. And I'm overwhelmed. Not with fear, but more with this goofy lightness at how amazing it is. How unexpected. And I love him. I only hope that when he wakes up in the morning, and looks at me sleeping, he feels something as nice.
And that I'm not drooling at the time.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.awwwwwwww. that's just wonderful! and now i feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Posted by: loon | 5 juillet 2007 8h57
Do you ever think that Wil is a jerk for being asleep when you can't sleep?
Sometimes I think that about Stoker. But usually in the morning when I get up before him, I think he looks like a damn angel as he sleeps.
I really don't know why he always has to be the first one to fall asleep, and yes, if you're wondering, it IS a competition. :)
Posted by: aries327 | 5 juillet 2007 13h20
I would lose any sleeping competition unless it was a NAPPING competition. I am ACES at falling asleep in the afternoon.
Posted by: Jodi
5 juillet 2007 13h35
When I can't sleep, I nudge Victor, and tell him to roll over because he's snoring right in my ear!
In the morning, though, if I'm up, and he's still sleeping, I look at him, and he looks just perfect! =)
Posted by: Marie
5 juillet 2007 14h28
I'm wading through cases I have to read in preparation for an upcoming case and this was the perfect antidote. Thank you!
P.S. You wouldn't happen to know a nice jewish girl would you? ;)
Posted by: N | 5 juillet 2007 18h28
I'm wading through cases I have to read in preparation for an upcoming case and this was the perfect antidote. Thank you!
P.S. You wouldn't happen to know a nice jewish girl would you? ;)
Posted by: N | 5 juillet 2007 18h32
we watch you both sleep, and we know you are both happy and in love, and lucky, and tastey, because we are hungry, now clean our poop....
ooo is it too late to book frank black for the wedding, momo wants to know.
Posted by: momo and pru | 6 juillet 2007 7h38
Awwww. Just, awwwww ;-)
Posted by: Chris | 6 juillet 2007 8h55
Enjoy every day you have together. The love of my life got diagnosed with cancer after 13 blissful years together. He was given 2 years to live last week. I wish we could go back and enjoy every day knowing that our days together were numbered, and that we may not grow old together like we thought.
Posted by: air | 7 juillet 2007 19h24