I'm the bride, but I still had to clean the litter box today.
It would appear that many of you were moved by the lack of cake in my life. I should add, I chose not to have a wedding cake. We are going out to dinner after the ceremony, it's not a traditional reception. Plus, I always hated that feed the cake to each other thing. Nonetheless, it was a shocking lack of cake.
My friend Fee was so moved, in fact, she has arranged to have 2 dozen cupcakes delivered to my hotel this afternoon. How much does she rule? SO MUCH! So DON'T WORRY ANYONE! I will be having cupcakes. I think 24 cupcakes oughta just about do me.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I want to wish you and Wil the happy ever after!
(with cake)
Posted by: DrinkJack
20 juillet 2007 16h15
Ditto what DrinkJack said but with plenty of the "I Spy Hookers" game! :)
Posted by: ::c:: | 21 juillet 2007 10h05
Enjoy your wedding! I'm glad to hear that you'll be having cake on your wedding day, even if it's not at your non-traditional reception! :)
When you're all back to blogging and stuff, you'll have to tell me what you think of Exit Strategy. I'm reading it right now, too.
Posted by: Kait | 21 juillet 2007 10h17
Congratulations! I love cupcakes. For some reason they always taste better than plain old cake.
Stoker and I didn't shove cake in each other's face, in case you were wondering, much to the dismay of my heathen cousins. I'm just not into certain traditions. I'm totally with you on that.
Posted by: aries327 | 21 juillet 2007 18h47
Congratulations and now you have your cake and can eat it too. Enjoy!
Posted by: Aargh | 22 juillet 2007 2h35
happy nuptials!
Posted by: river selkie | 22 juillet 2007 23h23
Congrats on the wedding and cupcakes. Because both pretty much rock.
Posted by: Chris Cactus | 27 juillet 2007 9h17