Rock Star Tip #1: The first in probably very few.
I couldn't live less like a Rock Star if I tried. Oh, sure, I have a natural tendency to trash things, to leave messes, by my very nature. But it isn't intentional. And it makes no statement against THE MAN or THE ESTABLISHMENT. I eat every color of m'n'm, although I do like to separate them out and eat each color in turn. I do the same with skittles. I've never had alcohol poisoning, or thrown up anywhere exciting. I'm a home body. I like books and computer games and movies. So, I wouldn't say this will be a regular feature, I didn't even create a category in Movable Type. But, sometimes, when you discover a helpful tip, you just have to share it.
How To Trash A Hotel Room Like A Rock Star And Fill Your Tummy With Sugary Goodness At The Same Time:
Acquire two dozen cupcakes. Have friends and family come to your hotel room. Serve said cupcakes with no plates or napkins. Seriously, crumbs EVERYWHERE. In the bed, on the floor, in the carpet, in my makeup bag, on the bathroom counter.
Fun cupcake gravitational fact: When you drop a cupcake, it will always land frosting side down.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Make-up bag, huh? I don't even want to KNOW how that happened.
Posted by: aries327 | 27 juillet 2007 12h50
Now what happens if you strap a cupcake to the back of a cat with the frosting side upwards and drop said cat?
Posted by: DrinkJack
27 juillet 2007 17h45