Evildeb sent this to me - she said it cheered her immensely
It appears to be a game. In which bears cause you to rub your crotch. Your guess is as good as mine.
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It appears to be a game. In which bears cause you to rub your crotch. Your guess is as good as mine.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.What on earth is wrong with the Japanese? I just don't get them! LOL
Posted by: Chrisitne | 3 août 2007 20h40
There used to be a segment on "YourTubeNews" called the "WTF Factor", and this would be perfect fodder for them. I haven't been out there in so long I don't know if they still do it, or maybe they've already covered this one, but I'm going to check, and if it's still going, and they haven't used this clip, I'm seinding it in!
Oh, and I see that it's going to be available for the DS, maybe I should look on eBay, and see if I can get a copy for Stephen. Could prove, uh....interesting. I might even be tempted to play, in fact, I'd probably insist on playing it first!
Posted by: Marie
9 août 2007 10h28