Every parent's favorite time of year
Labor day, sweet sweet labor day weekend.
Let all the children go back to school, I say. It's good for them.
I was in the grocery store today, with a cartful. I got in a particularly slow line, due to multiple price checks, but that's ok. I had a dr pepper, I was doing well. I wasn't in any hurry. When I finally got close enough, I walked around the other end of my cart and started unloading. That's when the two little girls queued up behind me.
You know how it is extremely rude to stand too close to someone when they are at the ATM? Well, is it just me, or is it also rude to walk up to someone else's cart, and take hold of the handle bar, when they've got their open purse sitting right there in the child seat, wallet sitting on top? I think it is. I think that my personal space includes my shopping cart and it's contents, when I am grocery shopping. And getting that close to my wallet, is, technically, in my dance space.
Then she started moving the cart back and forth ever so slightly, but enough to knock it into me repeatedly. These were female brats, in the 9 to 11 age range, with fists full of candy. And they kept sighing, loudly. And saying, "This line is so SLOW. It's going to take FOREVER! and WE only have 4 or 5 things."
And then looking at me.
To which I can only reply with a head tilt and look that my mom calls The Look, walk back around, take control of my cart and continue unloading as slowly as I can.
Get in the mother fucking "15 Items or less" land, candy lovers.
One day I am going to be an old lady. And I am going to have a mother fucking lawn. And those mother fucking kids will tramp all over it. It will be my job to stand on my porch and shake my fist at them. My mother fucking fist.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I swear to G-d I would have used that event as a teachable moment for the kids. Then I probably would have gotten in trouble with, like, a huge Dad or something. But it would have been worth it.
Posted by: Imagine | 1 septembre 2007 6h17
You could have knocked your cart backwards quickly, smacking them upside of the head.
Posted by: DrinkJack
1 septembre 2007 10h44
Kids like that are a reminder to us all about the importance of birth control.
Posted by: Roland Hulme | 2 septembre 2007 15h51
Jesus Jodi, they are just kids...maybe you should adjust your meds!
Posted by: Perry | 3 septembre 2007 23h41
gee perry, thanks for the advice
Posted by: Jodi
4 septembre 2007 9h36
You seem . . . a little angry.
But I don't blame you. It would bug the hell out of me too.
Posted by: aries327 | 4 septembre 2007 16h00