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Answer? So Fucking Wifey

I can't sleep and it's almost 3:30. Wil's alarm goes off in an hour and half. I was lying there ... not sleeping... when I thought to myself, "How fucking wifey would it be of me to get up and make Wil a sammich to take to work today?"

I hope I am coherent enough to tell him about it when he says goodbye in twoish hours.

Anyway, since I'm up, here is the song that is stuck in my head.
Adam and the Ants - Zerox


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Well thank you very much! Now I've got the entire Adam and the Ants catalog running through my head! Haven't listened to them in ages (Dirk Wears White Socks!).

Jodi, you and I must have had similar musical upbringings as I see you were also a fan of Romeo Void, amongst others.

Anyway, in my opinion, Zerox was about the only decent song the Ants did before they started to suck heavily.

I'm the same way. I always worry that I'm being too wifey. BUT, really, I do things for Stoker because he's my friend and I love him. It has nothing to do with me holding the office of Wife. So, it's cool that Wil has a friend who would make him a sandwich in the middle of the night. Right? Right?

Wow. Adam and the Ants. Huh. Haven't heard that name in a while.

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